sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010

Relative Pronouns.

Read the next sentences. Using who, which, what, to ask two questions. Translate.

1. Champagne is one of the most expensive drinks in the world.
It comes from France.

Which is one of the most expensive drinks, and where does it come from?


2. The Brazilians export the most coffee in the world.
They produce a Million tons a year.



3. Dr. John Pemberton invented Coca cola.
He lived in Atlanta, U.S.A.


4. The avocado contains the most calories of any fruit.
It has more protein than milk.


5. The Incas discovered popcorn.
They lived in South America in the Fifteenth century.



6. The Anzac ruins are said to have been made by aliens.
They are located in Machupichi Peru.



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