sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010

Passive Voice (Negatives)

Fill in the blanks with the Negative Passive Voice in the Present or Past Tense.

1. French _____ ________ in Haiti and Martinique. (speak)

2. These shoes ______ ________ for me by my cousin. (buy)

3. Sarapes are woolen blankets. They ______ _________ by
men and women in Mexico. (wear)

4. In 1982 the World Cup for Soccer ______ ________ by
the Italian Team. (win)

5. Tea ______ _________ at all times in Britain. (drink)

6. This bell is _______ (ring) when ever ships are _______
at sea. (lose)

7. The bread you are eating is put in the oven at 10 o’clock

and was ________ out half an hour ago. (take)

8. Potatoes ______ __________ in Britain before the
discovery of America. (not eat)

9. Too much money ______ _________ on presents
every Christmas. (spend)

10. The children at this camp ______ ________ (wake up)
at 7 o’clock every morning.

11. Fresh flower ______ ________ every morning, for
the 7:00 o’clock mass. (cut)

12. Fresh eggs ______ _________ by our chickens at
any hour. (lay)

13. The Cathedral bells ______ __________ every day
at 12:00 sharp. (ring)

14. Many people ______ _________ by Alzheimer every
year. (strike)

15. This English book ______ __________ by Ms. Golovchikoff. (write)

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