sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010

Passive Voice

Complete the sentences with the verb to “Be” + Use to + the Past Participle, and then change to questions.

1. The horse and buggy were used to transport people,

now cars are produced to do the job. (produce)

2. The Pony Express ______ _______ to send the mail,

today’s mail ______ ________ by air. (send)

3. Spanish ______ ________ mainly in Latin America and Spain,

now it ______ _________ all over the world. (speak)

4. We used to hand write a letter, now it ______ ________ on a
computer. (write)

5. Italy and Russia ______ ________ to be invaded by Napoleon,

now they ______ _________ by tourists. (invade)

6. The Popes used to ______ ________ (visit) only in Rome.

Today Pope John Paul the II ______ _________ all over
the world. (receive)

7. The Pyramids used to be _______ (construct) with stone lime.

Modern buildings ______ ________ with cement. (build)

8. The first Spanish Conquistadors used to bring water to a city by

aqueducts, today’s water ______ __________ by pipes. (bring)

9. Candle light was used to light homes, today they _____ ______
by electricity. (light)

10 Women used to wear only dresses, today pants _____ ______
by modern women. (wear)

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